Strategic Partnerships
Strategic Partnership Board​
The VRN is governed through the Strategic Partnership Board (SPB) Executive which ensures that there is high-level commitment to violence prevention from across a wide-range of organisations.
The SPB Executive provides the ideal forum because:​​​
Its purpose is to provide the system leadership and strategic coordination necessary to prevent and reduce harm across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR). This helps us to join the dots between different types of violence and vulnerability.
Membership of the Board includes representation from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, all relevant statutory organisations as well as the voluntary and community sector and community groups.
It has the capability and combined authority to be able to monitor and respond to changes in the rates and volumes of serious violence locally as well as the known risk and protective factors.
It has embedded the public health approach into its core principles and its sub-board structure so adopts the same approach as the VRN.
It has strong links with other relevant Boards including Safeguarding Boards, Health and Well-being Boards, the Leicestershire Strategic Community Safety Board and the Safer Leicester Partnership.
SPB Membership
Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
Leicestershire Police
Leicester City Council
Leicestershire County Council
Rutland County Council
Charnwood Borough Council
Blaby District Council
North West Leicestershire District Council
Hinckley and Bosworth District Council
Harborough District Council
Oadby and Wigston Council
Melton District Council
Leicestershire Fire & Rescue Service
University Hospitals Leicester
Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Integrated Care Board
National Probation Service (LLR)
HMP Leicester
East Midlands Ambulance Service
HMP Leicester
Leicester City Secondary Schools
Community Leaders from the local Community Leaders Network
Active Together
Turning Point Substance Misuse Team​

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Shared Responsibilities​
Everyone has a role: our partnership has individual and shared responsibilities in preventing and reducing serious violence. Together these lay the foundations for a whole-system approach which is vital to the successful delivery of our Serious Violence Prevention Strategy.

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