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Community Events and Training

The VRN hold various events and training sessions with and for communities to empower communities to play their role in preventing violence.  We also regularly attend events organised by communities to highlight the work of the partnership. Below you find out more about available training and the events we've been involved with as well as events that are coming up.

Community Partnership Annual Event

The VRN and Community Leaders Network host a collaborative annual event with and for the voluntary and community sector across Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland.

Stronger Together

In February 2024 we held our annual Community Partnership Event, this year entitled 'Stronger Together' to reflect the shared vision across the partnership that everyone has a role to play in preventing violence.

Hosted at the Big Shed Conference Centre in Leicester, the event attracted over 130 delegates from across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

During the day community partners:

  • Heard more about the Community Leadership Programme and latest round of recruitment

  • Were updated on the delivery of the new Serious Violence Prevention Strategy

  • Worked collaboratively on a co-design exercise, a summary of which can be found below.

  • Received workforce development around key topic areas including:

    • What works in preventing serious violence

    • Building trust and relationships with young people

    • Supporting communities impacted by VAWG 

    • Understanding and supporting neuro-divergent young people

    • Creative trauma sensitive spaces

    • Safeguarding standards and culture

    • Using social skills training with young people

You can download the summary notes from the co-production exercise as well as access slides from many of the workshops that took place on the day.

Scroll though the gallery below to see the event in action and/or click on an image to increase the size.

Community Partnership Annual Event 2022

In October 2022 the event took place at the Leicester City football ground, King Power Stadium, where community partners:

  • Received an update from the Home Office about the new Serious Violence Duty

  • Co-produced elements of the Community Partnership Framework through collaborative activities defining the meaning of working ‘with and for communities.’

  • Worked collaboratively with wider VRN partners to identify the partnership’s
    current strengths and areas to develop which have been included in the
    Preventing Serious Violence Strategy.

  • Received workforce development around key topic areas including:

    • What works in preventing serious violence

    • Trauma informed practice

    • Bid writing

    • Social media strategy

    • Awareness of ADHD

    • Campaigns

    • Understanding the impact of parental imprisonment

Scroll though the gallery below to see the event in action and/or click on an image to increase the size.

Young Person Annual Events

The VRN is a partner of the Hope Collective, a progressive partnership of leading organisations from across sectors with a shared vision to work together in unity to create real change for young people and communities across the UK. The Collective runs ‘Hope Hacks’ all over the country to enable young people to come together with decision makers, have their voice heard and design solutions to the most important challenges that are facing their communities.  The solutions generated by young people will be presented to parliament in the 'Hope Collective Reimagined Manifesto later this year. 

Hope Hack LLR 2024

In March 2024 the VRN partnered with the Hope Collective, EAVA FM, and community groups across LLR to host the second Hope Hack locally. Over 120 children and young people from communities across LLR came together to discuss solutions to issues affecting their community. The solutions were delivered to Senior decision makers at the end of the day, to influence decision-making across LLR.

During the day young people :

  • Watched performances by their peers including a soca dance performance, wrestling, singing, DJ and a rap performance.

  • Engaged in a panel exploring the causes and solutions to violence.

  • Heard an inspiring keynote talk by Chris Desai 

  • Watched a performance by the Wonder Twins, winners of the Voice Kids 2023.

  • Listened to a talk by football stars, Wes Morgan and Spencer Weir-Daley.

  • Watched a performance by local rapper, Strizzy Strauss.

  • Engaged in workshops led by young people around key topics.

  • Delivered their solutions to local decision makers from Leicestershire Police, the Violence Reduction Network, the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner, Leicester City Council, Leicestershire County Council and NHS Integrated Care Board.

The topic themes on the day included:

  • Equalities

  • Trust and Confidence

  • Mental Health and Wellbeing

  • Education and Employment

  • Crime and Criminal Justice

  • The Environment

Here are some videos from the day:​

We asked young people, "What does Hope mean to you?"

Watch the video below to hear their answers

The Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland Hope Hack

In 2022 we hosted our first LLR Hope Hack at the Peepul Centre in Leicester, involving over 80 young people from communities across LLR.

During the day young people:

  • Took part in a panel discussion around the causes of violence within
    our communities.

  • Facilitated, led, and took part in workshops around key themes chosen
    by young people. These included:

    • Gender.

    • Poverty and Inequality.

    • Race and Diversity.

    • Meeting the needs of young people.

    • Mental Health.

  • Listened to a performance by a talented local young artist.

  • Presented back on their solutions to decision makers across the partnership.

Scroll though the gallery below to see the event in action and/or click on an image to increase the size.

Community Led Events

Alongside hosting events, we also regularly attend community events hosted by the wider partnership to highlight the work of the VRN and celebrate the work of the partnership.

For more information on community events and training, please get in touch with the Community and Young Person Involvement Officer, Lisa Wilkinson, via the link.

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